Revenge of the Cuckold

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Опубликовано на Сен 14 2011

Well Bois and Girls, I dunno how to describe this scene, or what to even say. Well, that's a lie. I know how to do both. A silly whiteboi came to set, and he was packing about 4 inches of man meat - when it was totally hard - and he watched me pleasure myself with about 11 inches of dark dick. In between fuck sessions the whiteboi cleaned my pussy with his tounge and prepped it for the next position. I'm sure he tasted some dick, too. Then he served me as a lube boi, properly lubricating my swollen pussy to acomodate all that dick, cause really, even though my pussy was wet, I still needed a little help, and Lube Boi was there to put lube on my big dick and my aching puss. Wow did I get stretched out!!! So anyway, as a special treat I allowed my cuckold to beat his tiny meat while I watched, and lo and behold he actually had a huge load, which doesn't surprise me at all, since tiny-dicked fatso whitebois hardly ever get laid. Anyway, as you can see by scene's end, I'm not a happy camper...not one bit. I guess I got a taste of my own medicine, so to speak. But I figured you guys would love it, and since I love my members, here it is, my gift to you. XOXOXOXOX - Spring

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