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ステータス: アクティブ
エイリアスを知っている: No known aliases
国: アメリカ合衆国,
参加日: 7月 03 2013
性別: 女性
年齢: 36
重さ: 52
高さ: 163
タトゥー: Butterfly right of navel; Butterfly under right arm/side; Flowers on upper right arm; Woman's exposed breasts (or two stick figures staring at a third) inside a picture frame on left upper arm; Scissors on left tricep; 'rite' text above left arm joint; text above pubes; locked red heart right and left outer ankles; red roses running up the back of both legs down to back of calves; inside right top finger; bird upper left back; high heel shoe right inner forearm; right inner wrist